Question Bank

River Padma is formed by which of the following rivers?

  1. Sutlej and Jhelum
  2. Kaveri and Mahandi
  3. Ganga and Brahmaputra
  4. None of the above

Correct Answer : 3

Where does Bhagirathi and Alakhnanda join to form River Ganga?

  1. Gangotri
  2. Rudra Prayag
  3. Karna Prayag
  4. Dev Prayag

Correct Answer : 4

The soil which cracks and shrinks most as it dries up is:

  1. Loamy soil
  2. Red porous soil
  3. Sandy soil
  4. Black clay soil

Correct Answer : 4

Find the correctly spelt word.

  1. Recommandation
  2. Recommendation
  3. Recomandation
  4. Recomendation

Correct Answer : 2

Find the correctly spelt word.

  1. Synchromise
  2. Syycronise
  3. Sinchronize
  4. Synchronize

Correct Answer : 4

“To look at someone in an angry or threatening way” can be represented by?

  1. Epitaph
  2. Glower
  3. Prevaricate
  4. Fatal

Correct Answer : 2

Can you substitute a word for: “A man who wastes his money on luxury”?

  1. Notorious
  2. Versatile
  3. Extravagant
  4. Ornithologist

Correct Answer : 3

Find out which of the given choices is a synonym of the word. "Consequence"

  1. Outcome
  2. Divergence
  3. Indifference
  4. Affect

Correct Answer : 1

Find out which of the given choices is an antonym of the word. "Liberal"

  1. Unreliable
  2. Responsible
  3. Intolerant
  4. Independent

Correct Answer : 3

Find out which of the given choices is a synonym of the word. "Vehemently"

  1. Forcefully
  2. Openly
  3. Spontaneously
  4. Widely

Correct Answer : 1

The community football team scored three goals ______ the first half of the match.

  1. in
  2. for
  3. on
  4. below

Correct Answer : 1

Many species of insects were wiped _______ when the jungle was cleared.

  1. away
  2. off
  3. out
  4. in

Correct Answer : 3

You can obtain the answer ______ adding the date of birth to this figure.

  1. by
  2. from
  3. on
  4. in

Correct Answer : 1

What does the idiom "To go overboard" mean?

  1. Once in a life-time
  2. To encourage someone in his bad times
  3. To tell people about someone’s secrets
  4. To do too much of something

Correct Answer : 4

What does the idiom "From the horse’s mouth" mean?

  1. To make to bear the sins for others
  2. Take a subordinate position
  3. Worried for frivolous things
  4. From an authoritative or dependable source

Correct Answer : 4