Question Bank

Arrange the words given below in a meaningful sequence. 1. Word 2. Paragraph 3. Sentence 4. Letters 5. Phrase

  1. 4, 1, 5, 3, 2
  2. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
  3. 4, 2, 5, 1, 3
  4. 4, 1, 3, 5, 2

Correct Answer : 1

Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool

  1. Senility
  2. Dotage
  3. Superannuation
  4. Imbecility

Correct Answer : 2

That which cannot be corrected.......

  1. Incorrigible
  2. Illegible
  3. Indelible
  4. Unintelligible

Correct Answer : 1

A man of straw....

  1. A very active person
  2. A worthy fellow
  3. An unreasonable person
  4. A man of no substance

Correct Answer : 4

Find the correctly spelled words.

  1. Efficient
  2. Employd
  3. Beterment
  4. Treatmeant

Correct Answer : 1

Find the correctly spelt words.

  1. Pessenger
  2. Pesanger
  3. Pasanger
  4. Passenger

Correct Answer : 4

Make a meaningful sentence. 1. I 2. immediately 3. salary 4. my 5. want

  1. 42351
  2. 15432
  3. 43152
  4. 25143

Correct Answer : 2

Make a meaningful sentence: 1. do 2. today 3. you 4. must 5. it

  1. 12543
  2. 51324
  3. 25413
  4. 34152

Correct Answer : 4

Make a meaningful sentence: 1. left 2. the 3. house 4. he 5. suddenly

  1. 45123
  2. 52341
  3. 21354
  4. 12435

Correct Answer : 1

When he P : did not know Q : he was nervous and R : heard the hue and cry at midnight S : what to do The Proper sequence should be:

  1. RQPS
  2. PQRS
  3. SQPR
  4. QSPR

Correct Answer : 1

It has been established that P : Einstein was Q : although a great scientist R : weak in arithmetic S : right from his school days The Proper sequence should be:

  1. QPRS
  2. RQPS
  3. SRPQ
  4. QPSR

Correct Answer : 1

I read an advertisement that said P : posh, air-conditioned Q : a gentleman of taste R : are available for S : fully furnished rooms The Proper sequence should be:

  1. SRPQ
  2. PSQR
  3. PQRS
  4. PSRQ

Correct Answer : 4

Since the beginning of history P : have managed to catch Q : the Eskimos and Red Indians R : by a very difficult method S : a few specimens of this aquatic animal The Proper sequence should be:

  1. QPSR
  2. SQPR
  3. QRPS
  4. SQRP

Correct Answer : 1

In which year National Commission for Minorities was established?

  1. 1991
  2. 1992
  3. 1990
  4. 1989

Correct Answer : 2

The accounts of which of the following are not audited by CAG?

  1. Municipal Corporation
  2. Central Government
  3. State Governments
  4. Government Companies

Correct Answer : 1